W4MP is proud to bring you, hot from Kindle, Party Games – a work of fiction by Westminster staffer, E J Greenway.
“Who is this E J Greenway?” we hear you ask.
“It must be XYZ who works for ABC; that’s just the kind of behaviour she was always complaining her boss exhibited.”
“Good grief that’s what UVW said about his boss, DEF; good to see that he’s got that off his chest, even if it’s only in a book.”You want us to comment? We couldn’t possibly. But we did ask ‘EJG’ to give us a bit of background and here it is – below. Tantalising, yes!” W4MP Editor
E J Greenway writes:
I have worked at Westminster for the past eleven years, and always fancied writing a novel about the interesting characters which inhabit the ‘village’ – a strange, rather insular world which anyone who works in it comes to love, whether they like it or not! So, a year after coming to Westminster, I got stuck into writing Party Games, which draws on insight, as well as a huge dose of artistic licence, to create what I hope is a compelling political tale of ambition, skulduggery and passion. Events and characters are a blurring of fiction and reality, more by accident than design (recent events courtesy of the Whips Office is a mere coincidence!), yet gives those outside Westminster a taste of the human drama which exists in the ‘pressure cooker’ world that is the House of Commons.
Party Games is relevant and modern, echoing today’s political power struggles in all the major parties. It delves into the murky workings of party politics with the aim of leaving the reader feeling shell-shocked by its sheer ferocity, but still wanting more. My flawed, ambitious characters are, essentially, ordinary people who happen to work in an extraordinary place. I hope that the story will interest anyone who has an interest in politics, and the workings of our political system, but also wants to understand how politicians tick – what motivates them on a basic human level.
Please do take a look, download and review! Thank you!
Party Games is out now on Amazon Kindle: